Detox Kit

Deluxe Package = Basic + the fantastic Yogidetox Kit, mailed to your home.

  • 2 oz. body oil for self-massage
  • a tongue scraper to remove toxins from your tongue
  • a bag of Detox herbs (Downward Flow) to cleanse from your tongue to your anus, and keep toxins moving out. Chief herbs: Triphala, manjishta, musta, punarnava, peppermint, and more.
  • a bag of Fire Starter to help your digestive tract keep up with the toxins coming in from deeper tissue. Spices include: fennel, ginger, coriander, cumin, cardamom and more.
  • a bottle of Sinus Lube to lubricate your sinuses and brain channels.
  • ships priority mail to U.S . locations. For shipping outside of U.S., order below, and we’ll inform you of the additional fee based on U.S.P.S. rates.

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