The reality NOW is this:
Without seasonal detox, we lose.
We lose feeling great in the next season.
We miss getting smarter, physically, psychologically, and spiritually as we age.
Caught up in the whirlwind… you can lose your rhythm. Your time.
Get your rhythm, time, flow, and ease back.
By the end of October.
You want to be lithe, fit, and strong. You want more time, a better rhythm, and to be truly rested and resilient. You want smarter daily habits and cravings for what is good for your future. You want to refresh your recipes… and your kitchen routines.
Drop a layer of inflammation. Feel light. Clear your head. Wake up light and clear and ready to be you.
Detox opens the field of time and space. You’ll have room to breathe in your life.
You’ll be amazed at who is under your skin. How great your wardrobe is when you’re deeper in your own skin.
Detox improves cognition function. You’ll be more focused on your inner vision into action. The less important stuff will drift away.
Otherwise, you make it much harder on your next season… not to mention that you age faster.
On a coaching call, member Sarita quoted her teacher Maya Tiwari, “If you don’t press pause, Mother Nature will press pause for you.”
As soon as you get your ticket, you’ll be invited into our Yogidetox hub. You’ll schedule our live coaching session in October. Then, I’ll walk you through how to get ready. Once we’re live in the detox in October, I guide you via live interactive group sessions each week. Plus, we have a ton of support for live Q&A sessions with the Yogidetox Mentors.
The first week, we ease in gently. It feels like a release or letting go—a getting sucked into a smarter, wiser current. The current arises from both within ourselves, and in the Yogidetox community around us. The focus of this first week is to soften up. You nourish and nurture yourself.
By week 2, we’ve already been pulled into our center during week 1. Whatever isn't centering, grounding, or clarifying falls away. Realizations begin to spring forth. You’ll choose from 1 of 5 nourishment options to fit exactly what you need in this phase of your life. I will guide you throughout the course via live group calls. The 6 Yogidetox Mentors will host Yogidetox Q&A calls.
By the end, you feel better than ever. You have a better rhythm. Your better habits of sleeping, nourishment, mediation, and movement are running the show. Your outdated patterns from just a few weeks ago are a distant memory without sway over you. Your body feels amazing. In just 21 days of the Yogidetox, you emerge a leaner, cleaner, more awake, more easeful, and more joyful you.
Cate Stillman has Guiding People into Their Power via the Yogidetox twice annually since 2002!
Her focus right now is guiding people to feeling great.
YOGIDETOX habits reverse chronic systemic inflammation.
… and get you back on top of life.
Cate is a next generation innovate thoughtleaders escorting Ayurveda into the future.
Cate distilling the complex concepts into most simple, elegant, memorable wisdom.
Cate is devoted to free solutions to health issues. She peddles in wisdom, not products.
So buy your ticket and get the most basic detox skills…
She saves her members thousands of dollars a year through helping them make smarter choices for their bodies.
Cate transmits powerful body wisdom.
There is nothing else like the YOGIDETOX community experience.
Her members return, year after year to go deeper into BODY WISDOM.
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